Parents/Guardians - Officiating

Becoming an Official

Every swim meet hosted by the CRKW swim club will need adult volunteers. And the meet manager will call on all families to make the important commitment to help with officiating at each meet . With the CRKW will hosting two or three regional meets each season and 150-200 athletes attending each one,  45-50 people will be needed to run the meet successfully. Meets are also one of our biggest fundraisers and one of the biggest team builders.

Training for all officiating positions will be available throughout the year. The CRKW Officials Coordinator will provide information about when and where training will take place and will assign volunteer points for both the training and officiating.  Ideally we require athletes in the Mini Whale groups have at least ONE parent qualified as a Level 1 official, while athletes in and above Orca Junior have at least ONE parent qualified as a Level 2 official. Please check your emails for more information.

Each family, when they first become involved in swimming, should make an effort to attend officials’ clinics and earn qualifications in one or more of the officiating categories below:

LEVEL I          Timer, Place Judge, Marshall

LEVEL II         Clerk of Course, Chief Timer, Chief Place Judge, Chief Judge Electronic,   

                         Recorder/Scorer, Stroke/Turn judge, Head Lane Timer

LEVEL III       Starter, Meet Manager

LEVEL IV        Senior Referee

LEVEL V         Master Referee

Assistance is also required in the areas of set-up, clean-up, sponsors, donations, raffles, prizes, deck food preparation and serving, and runners.

Because many hands make light work, more parents or guardians participating means less work for many people. Alternately, a lot of work for few people can lead to meets being delayed and children missing out. It also leads to people coming from out of town - our guests - being required to take on our work. So please come out to host with pride!  Volunteer your time at in-town meets so our kids can enjoy what they have trained for and our guests from visiting clubs receive the gift of watching their child swim and enjoying our Campbell River hospitality.