Swim Meet Info
Here is a helpful Parent Guide to Swim Meets. Thank you to Darcy Irwin from Nanaimo Riptides for sharing this document with us.
Hosted Meets: The Campbell River Killer Whales host 2 or 3 swim meets during the year:
December Winter Classic: This is a regional level meet for swimmers of all levels held the first weekend in December.
Eliminator Invitational: This is a regional invitational meet for swimmers of all levels which is usually held in early February.
Black vs Blue: The Killer Whales have a proud tradition of hosting inter squad meets one or two times per year that allow the swimmers to complete against their peers and sometimes even their parents!
Meet Information for away meets is listed under the Event Sign Up tab. This is where you can find the meet packages and information about which groups should sign up for which meets.